Friday, February 17, 2012


It looks as though it's come down to Santorum and Romney. And it looks like Santorum is pulling away. What about Newt? C'mon. You really didn't believe that he'd last, did you?

If it is indeed the case that Santorum takes the Republican nomination, the American people will have a much clearer choice than if Romney were to win.

Romney would have a much easier time moving to the Center after the primaries. Reasonable people, reasonably cynical people, could argue that Romney had moved to the Right in order to satisfy the Republican base. Even if Romney would have trouble harking back to his moderate approach as governor of Massachusetts, his surrogates could and would make that very argument. And his surrogates will have plenty of money to both chop down Obama and explain away the schizophrenia apparent in Romney's political life.

Santorum is not principled and consistent in the same way as Ron Paul. Paul can easily navigate through a policy stance that opposes federal laws against recreational drug use while holding the personal view that recreational drug use is wrong-headed and that the states have the right to regulate it. It's a true Libertarian, Constitution-grounded position. Santorum, on the other hand, is an unreconstructed social  conservative without care for true conservative principles.

Santorum only wants the government out of our lives as long as we're living the life that he wants us to live. As a cynical, ambitious politician, Santorum can support federal anti-drug legislation, he can tell us who we can sleep with and who we can marry, and still portray himself as someone who is for personal freedom. In that way, he draws a clear contrast with Obama.

In that way, he may be Obama's best hope for re-election.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


While the media gives us Mitt triumphant, he couldn't pull 50% of the vote after he and his 'uncoordinated' Super Pac dumped millions of dollars of vicious bile on Newt and the good people of Florida. If he doesn't do better than that soon, there may be an opening...a very narrow window...for the Right to rally behind a single candidate. That candidate would not be Newt, so we're talking about Santorum. And that won't happen. So we're back to where we started.

It's Mitt's to lose. He hasn't won it yet. He's still trying hard not to lose it.