In the Wall Street Journal today, Peggy Noonan urges Republicans to become put sabres between their teeth, do the unexpected and go on the offensive. Republicans, says Noonan, have no coherent message. They are primarily represented by their Congressional leaders and Congress is less popular with the American people than cockroaches. They have no compelling messenger at the podium. And they are up against a President who was recently re-elected and whose approval rating is above 50%.
What to do?
According to Noonan, the prescription is to get going on the policy side. Demonstrate that Republicans can act on issues that are important to the American people. Don't wait. Be pirates. Attack.
Choose Main Street over Wall Street. Confront the perception that the Party is in the pocket of the bankers and the rich. If banks are too big to fail, break them up. End the preferential tax treatment given to hedge fund managers and folks whose income is derived mainly from capital gains, dividends and interest.
Take the point on immigration reform, says Noonan. Champion border security, yes. But include a path to citizenship. The world is changing. Immigrants, legal or illegal, learn to love our country. They fight our wars. Bring them into the tent.
In sum, Noonan's surprising prescription to elevate conservative Republicans in the eyes of the electorate is that they become progressive Democrats.
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